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Tag Archives: Health

How to “cook rice” for good health?

Being a Thai person, you have to eat rice. But white rice can be a deterrent for people who are trying to lose weight. Let’s cook rice that makes good health better. Make good health better.  How to “cook rice” for good health?   Brown rice has a lower glycemic index

7 ways to exercise for expectant mothers

With the belief of many Thai people, they are afraid that pregnant people will have miscarriages. Therefore urged pregnant women to sit still, do not have to get up to do much. But in fact, mothers who are pregnant can exercise. Just choose the type of exercise. and with the

Why “ectopic pregnancy”?

Many people, especially women, have probably heard of “ectopic pregnancy” that is very dangerous for the mother and the unborn child If seeing a doctor is too late may have died ever Why can I have an ectopic pregnancy? สมัคร ufabet What is an ectopic pregnancy? An ectopic pregnancy is