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Category Archives: Beauty and Health & Lifestyle

4 Food Groups to Avoid Before Driving Long Distances

Every year during long holidays when driving long distances, drivers may feel tired and drowsy. Part of this may be due to eating a lot of starchy foods. Doctors reveal foods that should not be eaten before and during a trip to prevent drowsiness or

3 Superfood Vegetables! Research Reveals They Are Good for Your Heart

Vegetables are good and beneficial, full of dietary fiber, vitamins, minerals, chlorophyll, some of which are Superfoods! That are especially good for the heart. Superfood is a food that is rich in nutrients with high nutritional value and is very beneficial to health. It has low

5 Super Foods to Restore YourBrainAfter the New Year

Many people are taking the opportunity to start the new year 2025 to take care of their health. Choosing the food you eat is the easiest and best investment. Revealing a list of 5 super foods that help reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s and restore

Reasons that may cause you to be unable to quit smoking.

Smoking makes your heart beat faster. Believe it or not, 20 minutes after you smoke your last cigarette, your heart rate drops to near normal levels. And within two hours, both your blood pressure and heart rate drop back to normal levels. Nicotine withdrawal symptoms

Is it true that fried food makes our skin oily?

Oily skin is a problem that bothers many Thais. Although some causes may not be able to be fix, there are still many ways to help relieve the severity. Which is taking care of yourself from the outside and inside. You should focus on adding moisture

How to relieve menstrual cramps for women.

Menstrual cramps are symptoms that most women experience, whether they are only minor and able to carry on with their daily lives, or severe enough to prevent them from carrying on with their daily lives. Of course, when menstrual cramps become a normal occurrence that