Reasons that may cause you to be unable to quit smoking.

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Smoking makes your heart beat faster. Believe it or not, 20 minutes after you smoke your last cigarette, your heart rate drops to near normal levels. And within two hours, both your blood pressure and heart rate drop back to normal levels. Nicotine withdrawal symptoms start to show about two hours after you smoke your last cigarette.

Many people may think that quitting smoking is difficult. But in fact it can be done if you are really determined. To quit successfully, you need to set clear goals and try to find the help to quit that is most suitable for you. But if you still can’t quit smoking, it may be due to some factors that are too difficult to control.

  • After one day of quitting cigarette, your risk of coronary artery disease decreases, as does your risk of a heart attack. Two days after quitting, your sense of taste and smell begin to improve, and your nerve endings begin to heal. During this time, you may feel irritated by the urge to smoke.
  • After 3 days of quitting, nicotine is gone from your body. Leaving you with withdrawal symptoms such as nausea, headaches, restlessness and irritability. Although this is the hardest phase of quitting smoking. These symptoms disappear within about a week and the results are well worth the effort.
  • Additionally, 30 days after you quit smoking, cilia, which are tiny hairs on the surface of the bronchial cells in your lungs that remove mucus and debris from your lungs, begin to repair themselves from the damage caused by smoking. As these hairs resume normal function, your lungs will begin to improve. Shortness of breath or smoker’s cough should begin to decrease, though the speed of recovery depends on how long you’ve been smoking.

Nicotine is an addictive substance in cigarettes. It makes you feel relaxed quickly, but it affects the functioning of the brain, causing addiction to smoking. You feel like you can’t do without smoking. When you can’t smoke, you may show symptoms of irritability, restlessness, headaches, dizziness, and eventually have to go back to smoking. Many people can’t quit.